The Truth about Traumatic Brain Injuries
BY Chelsie King Garza FILED UNDER: Highway Crashes
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of death and disability in children and adults ranging in age from 1 to 44. TBI is a contributing factor to 30% of all injury-related deaths in the United States. [1] And in 2010, approximately 2.5 million people sustained a traumatic brain injury. [2] The truth about
Prevent your Teen from Texting and Driving
BY Chelsie King Garza FILED UNDER: Highway Crashes
Teen Texting and Driving is Dangerous With about 20 kids on my block about the same age, my street will look like a parking lot in a few years as they all get their drivers licenses. I also wonder what my lawn will look like as my house is at the end of the cul-de-sac.
Civil Suits following Drunk Driving Accidents
BY Chelsie King Garza FILED UNDER: Highway Crashes
While drunk drivers can face serious criminal charges, requiring them to pay fines and possibly spend time in jail, they can also face civil liability. If you or a loved one is injured or killed by a drunk driver in a car crash, a civil suit may be your best path to recover damages for
Hospital Falls – Safety Risks for Patients
BY Chelsie King Garza FILED UNDER: Medical Malpractice
Every year, somewhere between 700,000 and 1,000,000 people in the U.S. experience a fall in a hospital. [1] Upwards of 1,000 patient falls happen every day with approximately 30% of those falls resulting in injuries. [2] Falls often cause serious injuries, leaving patients paralyzed or with traumatic brain injuries. Causes of Hospital Falls? Many hospital