Teen Texting and Driving is Dangerous
With about 20 kids on my block about the same age, my street will look like a parking lot in a few years as they all get their drivers licenses. I also wonder what my lawn will look like as my house is at the end of the cul-de-sac. How many of these distracted teenagers will leave tread marks in my grass? With the invention of smartphones and the obsession with texting and social media use, the risk of a distracted teen behind the wheel increases. Teen texting and driving is a real concern.
10% of drivers of all ages under the age of 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crash. Parents need to take a firm stance texting while driving when teaching their teenager to drive. Here are some ways you can do that:
Be a good Example
All kids and teenagers mimic the behavior they see. If you text and drive, they will too. Set an example. Be responsible when using your cell phone while driving and do not text and drive.
Teach your kids the Facts about Texting and Driving
Educate your teenager about the dangers of texting while driving. It may save their life and the lives of others on the road. Preventing a fatal car crash caused by distracted driving should be priority number one when teaching your kids to drive.
The average time a texter takes their eyes off the road is five seconds per text. That’s enough time to cover the length of an entire football field!
Did you know that reaching for a phone, dialing or texting increased the risk of getting into a car wreck by 3X?
Monitor your Teenager’s Driving Habits
The app, Speed Bump GPS, allows you to monitor your child’s driving for about $12.95 a month. The app allows you to receive a text if your teen is texting while driving. If your teen knows they will get caught and knows the consequences of their actions, they may be likely to undertake this life-threatening behavior.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a car crash due to the negligence of a distracted driver, contact Chelsie King Garza for a free consultation.