Brain injuries are the second leading disability in the country, affecting millions of Americans each year. A brain injury can be disabling and result in death. Brain injuries caused by medical malpractice will likely occur during birth, surgery, or in the administration of medication. Brain damage can be life-altering for the victims and their families.
Birth Injuries Can Cause Brain Trauma
Brain damage can occur during birth if the supply of oxygen to the baby is cut off during labor and delivery. If healthcare professionals are doing their job correctly, oxygen deprivation during delivery, and birth injuries can be avoided. Some of the most common causes of lack of oxygen to the brain during birth are:
- Pressure to, or twisting of the umbilical cord
- Mother’s undiagnosed or untreated infection
- Either partially or fully detached placenta before giving birth
- Uterine rupture
- Breech position of the baby
- A baby that is too large to exit the birth canal
- Failing to properly administer an epidural
- Failing to timely perform a cesarean section
Brain damage during birth can lead to long-term disabilities, developmental delays, mental disabilities, and other medical conditions. These conditions may require costly care throughout the child’s lifetime. Parents should not have to bear the cost of another’s negligence.
Other Medical Malpractice that Causes Brain Injuries
When medical providers fail to meet the standard of care, the consequences can be life altering. Surgical errors and failure to monitor patients are two common causes of brain injuries in medical patients. Other causes of brain injuries in the medical field include:
- Giving the wrong dose of medication, including over-medicating a patient
- Delay in treating or diagnosing medical conditions such as stroke, heart attack, aneurysm, or severe infection
- Pediatric malpractice
- Failing to implement proper fall protection for patients under anesthesia or for patients who are at risk of falling
- Failing to properly monitor patients who are under anesthesia
Most healthcare related brain injuries are preventable with adherence to the standard of care.
Hire a Houston Brain Injury Attorney
If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury as a result of medical negligence, contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible. The period that you have to file a medical malpractice case is limited so act quickly. Chelsie King Garza has experience in the complex area of medical malpractice law. Ms. Garza has been helping victims of medical malpractice obtain the compensation they need.